Yang Ni @ UCI

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine (UCI). My research interests includes efficient machine learning, brain-inspired vector symbolic architecture, neuro-symbolic AI and software-hardware co-design.

Currently I am a member of the Bio-Inspired Architecture and Systems Laboratory (BIASLab). I am very fortunate to be advised by Dr. Mohsen Imani. Prior to UCI, I obtained my M.S. in computer engineering from the University of California, San Diego, where I worked with Dr. Tajana Rosing and Dr. Yeseong Kim.


  • 2024.10: One paper, DynHD: Hyperdimensional Computing Approach for Efficient Radar Spectrum Classification, is accepted by IEEE ESL!
  • 2024.10: One paper, VLTP: Vision-Language Guided Token Pruning for Task-Oriented Segmentation, is accepted by WACV’25!
  • 2024.08: One paper, Recoverable Anonymization for Pose Estimation: A Privacy-Enhancing Approach, is accepted by WACV’25!
  • 2024.07: One paper, Taskclip: Extend large vision-language model for task oriented object detection, is accepted by FOCUS Workshop@ECCV’24!
  • 2024.07: One paper, Intelligent Sensing Framework: Near-Sensor Machine Learning for Efficient Data Transmission, is accepted by IEEE Sensors!
  • 2024.05: One paper, Hyperdimensional Brain-Inspired Learning for Phoneme Recognition With Large-Scale Inferior Colliculus Neural Activities, is accepted by IEEE TBME!
  • 2024.04: One paper accepted by GLSVLSI’24, and I received the NSF Student Travel Grant!
  • 2024.04: One paper accepted by FCCM’24!
  • 2024.01: One paper accepted by CICC’24!
  • 2023.10: I received the ICCAD Student Scholar Program Grant!
  • 2023.07: One paper presented at IJCAI’23!
  • 2023.06: One paper, Brain-inspired Trustworthy Hyperdimensional Computing with Efficient Uncertainty Quantification, is accepted by ICCAD’23!
  • 2023.04: One paper accepted by GLSVLSI’23!
  • 2023.03: Two posters presented at DATE’23!
  • 2022.06: Two papers accepted by ICCAD’22!
  • 2022.04: Two papers accepted by DAC’22!
  • 2022.03: My paper, Algorithm-hardware Co-design for Efficient Brain-inspired Hyperdimensional Learning on Edge, received the Best Paper Award at DATE’22!
  • 2021.11: Two papers accepted by DATE’22!